Age, Height and Weight Charts for Men & Woman

  • By: ahmed butt
  • Time to read: 2 min.
ahmed butt
I'm a passionate writer, a blogger and a web designer. I spend most of my time surfing the internet and writing quality articles.

Everyone needs a perfect body because body weight and shape really matter for a good impression.

Weight Chart for Senior Men

weight chart for senior men

This Age, Height, and Weight Chart helped to understand what height and weight are perfect according to your Age.

Weight for Chart Men’s

age-height-and-weight-chart-for-men's-in-kg-Chart start-from-5-years-old-boy-to-25-year-old-men

About Age, Height, and Weight Chart

These days we read and find many Charts like average male weight by age in kg and many more.

This chart starts from a 5-year-old boy to a 25-year-old man in Height and Weight.

we divide the weight into 3 parts normal under and overweight in this chart weight in kg. Let us explain here we go

Normal Weight for a 3-year-old boy

3 years37 inches13.8 to 14.3 kg

The ideal weight for a 3-year-old boy starts from 13.8 to 14.3 kg (30.5 to 31.5 Ib) and the Normal height is 37.0″

The average weight for a 16-year-old boy

16 years 68.3 inches60.8 kg

Average Weight for a 17-year-old male

17 years old5.9 Feet61 kg (141 ib)

Average Weight for an 18-year-old male

18 years old5.7 Feet62 kg (138 ib)

A 25-year-old man with ideal Weight and Height

25 years old5.9 Feet78 kg (172 ib)

Ideal Weight for a 35-year-old man

35 years5.9 Feet (70.8 inches)72 to 79 kg

I see many People Searching on google for what height and weight are normal for a 35-year-old man. is 67 kg weight is Normal a lot more.

Keep in mind don’t try to achieve mentioned figures given below. if your weight is near these figures that is fine.

the ideal weight of a 35-year-old man starts from 70 to 80 kg and height Start from 5 to 6 feet tall.

Weight Chart for Women

Women’s Bodyweight and Shape are important factors for a beautiful look. we divide the chart into different age cycles for example

Weight increases with age come and Match your weight to your age and height here we go.

ideal weight for a 3-year girl in kg

3 years2.8 feet (33.7 inches)14 to 15 kg (31.5 Ib)

If a 3-year girl’s height is 2.8 or 3.0 feet (33.7 to 37.0 inches) then the ideal weight starts from 14 to 15 kg (31.5 Ib).

Women’s Age, Height, and Weight Chart

weight chart for women

Baby Girl Age Height and Weight Chart

height and weight chart for girls by age

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