I’m a nerd, a filthy nerd; therefore, looking after my hair is such a tough job that there’s always a glop-glop of hair around. A few days back, I came to know about one of the hair wonders, “THE RED PALM OIL”
The benefits of red palm oil for hair mesmerized me for some time and that the inner urged me to know more about it.
To share with you people my red palm oil benefit story, I thought, why not summon it up in a blog so you people might know better!
Table of Content

What is Red Palm Oil?
Red palm oil is the derivative of a fruit called “palm fruit.” Its composition is:
- 50% saturated fat
- 40% unsaturated fat
- 10% polyunsaturated fat
Red palm oil in its unprocessed state has an intense deep red color. That red color is because of its abundant carotene content like alpha-carotene, beta carotene, and lycopene- the same nutrients that give carrots and tomatoes their rich colors.
Red Palm Oil and ME:
Now, it became really easy for me to tackle my hair well. I apply it once or twice a week, wash my hair, and I’m good to go!
Now, let me tell you which part of red palm oil has motivated me the most. I, despite being undisciplined, am now doing red palm oil hair massage regularly!
So, without delay, let’s get straight into the red palm oil benefits for hair! Hold your hearts; there we go!
Red Palm Oil Benefits for Hair
Red palm oil is an edible vegetable oil that is being consumed for over 5,000 years. It’s an extract from the fruit oil palm or Elaeis guineensis. It holds numerous health benefits for hair that you’d love to have red palm oil over your vanity!
But what are those health benefits that red palm oil has on your hair? Let’s see!
- Vitamin E – palm oil’s prime element- not only decreases the graying of hair but also improves hair loss.
- The richness of palm oil has shown wonders for all types of hair, specifically those who are suffering scalp ailments, hair loss, and dryness.
- In-comparison to coconut oil, the percentage of saturated fats in red palm oil is only 45%. But it has a relatively high amount of moisturizing fat that is essential for hair growth.
- Using palm oil removes dirt and extra-oils from your hair and makes them smooth and manageable.
- With its antibacterial properties, you can use it on your skin and on your scalp to clean it effectively. A clean scalp ensures healthy hair.
Owing to a healthy diet and taking in beneficial nutrients is always good, but the magical wonders red palm oil has revealed, so far I recommend you to give it a try. You can use it as a DIY hair formula or through other products like your shampoo or conditioner.
These were the few benefits that you can get by applying red palm oil to your hair.
But now, let’s see a few in-depth benefits red palm oil offers!
Promote Hair Growth
- Vitamin-E:
Because of its richness in Vitamin E, it promotes the cell growth of the hair follicles. It would eventually leave you with healthy and shiny hair.
- Carotenes:
Carotene- another ingredient of red palm oil is the reason what makes pal oil beneficial for hair growth. Carotene increases the level of vitamin-A in your body that resulting in strong and shiny hair.
- Vitamin-A:
Your body consumes carotene and converts it into vitamin-A. Hence, it directly helps in growing healthy, shiny, and silky hair.
Not just that, it will keep your hair healthy and won’t let them become weak again; unless you stop using palm oil.
So no more deficiency of vitamin-A! Use the red palm oil regularly and enjoy the most beautiful hair that you had never before.
Therefore, to fulfill your healthy hair demand, there is nothing better than an all-in-one hair elixir- THE RED PALM OIL–Cheers!!
Eliminate Hair Loss
When you reach old age, i.e, when you cross the 50 years old barrier, your hair turns white, and at the end, you get the hair loss problem.
That is absolutely fine!
But, are you a young lady or a handsome teenage gentleman? And you are facing the hair loss problem? You got to do something about that.
Now, don’t rush and see a doctor. I have an easy solution to your problem; red palm oil. The benefits of red palm oil for hair growth are insane, as I talked about before. That’s why using it can leave you with beautiful-looking hair like your friends and fellows.
- Using red palm oil increases the amount of vitamin-E in your body.
- Vitamin-E helps in the growth of hair follicles that increases hair size and strength.
What are you waiting for? Start using red palm oil today!
Helps to Grow Healthy Hairs
Girls indeed love long hair, and they take care of their hair as much as they do for their skin. But boys are not behind in this race.
Having shiny and healthy hair leads you to have a hairstyle that is in trend. Most of you might not have healthy hair. But it doesn’t mean you can’t have healthy hair.
- Yes, you can grow shiny and healthy hair without going through any rocket science.
I recommend you use red palm oil. Why?
Well, I have shown you the benefits of red palm oil for hair growth. You can benefit your hair too!
However, some of you might not like using any oil in your hair. Well, that’s fine. You can still use red palm oil alternatively.
- You can buy shampoo, conditioner, or other hair products that contain palm oil.
These products will help you get the best results. Then no more hair, just strong hair!
Try these and don’t forget to let me know!
Is red palm oil good for low porosity hair?
Red palm oil has a very less percentage of saturated fat and a high quantity of moisturizing fat. Low porosity hair can easily absorb it than any other oil with high saturated fat. That’s why red palm oil is a perfect match for low porosity hair.
Is there a difference between palm oil and red palm oil?
Palm oil is the refined form of red palm oil. But red palm oil has more advantages over regular palm oil. Being less refined, red palm oil is rich in vitamins and nutrients that make red palm oil a valuable choice for everyone.
What does palm oil do to the hair?
Red palm oil has the solutions to your hair-related problems. Rich in vitamin E and carotene, it makes your hair grow and look strong, healthy, and shiny. There is no age limit for using it. You can start using it if you want to enjoy healthy and shiny black hair.
Bottom Line
I don’t know about others, but I know that my hair means a lot to me. And I am sure that you also love black and strong-shiny long hair. Everyone doesn’t have the same hair. It varies depending on the physical health and diet of a person.
But the benefits of red palm oil for hair growth are for everyone. It doesn’t matter you are a girl or a boy. You can use red palm oil to enjoy the best hairstyle you want.
Today, I have covered almost everything about red palm oil and its benefits for hair growth. I hope that you’ll try this at least once. I can assure you that you’ll notice a positive change in the condition of your hair. Try it once and become a fan of red palm oil, just like me!
Thanks for making it this far to the end of the blog. Finally, I summed up my journey to red palm oil.
I hope you’ve learned a lot from my experience regarding red palm oil, and how it is beneficial for your hair.
Also, let me know if you know more secrets about the benefits of red palm oil for hair growth. I would love to hear back from you guys!
Till then, stay safe, stay healthy-See you next-Bye!