Cat Urine Color Chart

  • By: Ufaq Jibran
  • Time to read: 5 min.
Ufaq Jibran
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As a cat owner, paying attention to your pet’s behavior and health is important. One aspect that can provide valuable insights into your cat’s well-being is the cat urine color & meaning. Believe it or not, the color of a cat’s urine can indicate potential health problems or be a sign of normal bodily functions. 

This blog post will explore the different shades of cat urine and what they could mean for your feline friend. By understanding the information provided by a cat pee color chart, you can take steps to ensure your cat’s continued health and happiness.

Cat Urine Color Chart

Cat Urine Color Chart

Clear urineIt is typically a sign that your cat is well hydrated and healthy.
Dark Yellow UrineIf your cat’s urine is a darker yellow, it could indicate that they need more water or that their diet is too high in protein.
Orange urineIt could be a sign of dehydration or liver problems.
Brown urinecould signify liver disease or other serious health problems.
Green urineIt is very rare, but it could be a sign of a bacterial infection or the presence of certain medications.
Blue urineIt is also extremely rare and could indicate the presence of a genetic condition or a certain medication.
Pink urineThis could be caused by a less severe issue, such as minor bladder irritation or inflammation.
Red urineThis can indicate a serious health issue such as a urinary tract infection, bladder stones, or cancer.

Pink cat urine

Pink urine in cats is a concern as it may indicate the presence of blood. This can be caused by a urinary tract infection, bladder stones, or other health issues affecting the urinary system. It’s vital to take your cat to the veterinarian if you notice pink urine.

Blue urine

Blue urine in cats is a rare occurrence, but it may indicate a genetic disorder called hypercalcemia. This disorder causes high levels of calcium in the blood, leading to various health issues, including kidney damage. It’s important to consult a veterinarian for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Green urine

Green urine in cats can be caused by a bacterial virus, such as a urinary tract infection, or the consumption of certain medications or supplements. Green urine may also be a sign of liver disease or other health problems.

Brown urine

Brown urine in cats can indicate the presence of blood or liver problems. In some cases, brown urine may occur after the cat ingests certain types of food or medication. 

Orange urine

Orange urine in cats can be a sign of dehydration, a urinary tract infection, or liver problems. It may also be caused by certain medications or supplements. It’s important to monitor your cat’s water intake and consult a veterinarian if you notice persistent orange urine.

Dark Yellow Urine

Dark yellow urine in cats may indicate dehydration or the presence of concentrated urine. This can be caused by certain medications or medical conditions. It’s important to monitor your cat’s water intake and seek veterinary attention if you notice persistent dark yellow urine.

Red pee

Red urine in cats can be an indication of blood in the urine, which can be caused by urinary tract infections, bladder stones, or other health issues affecting the urinary system. Take your cat to the vet instantly if you notice red urine, as it may indicate a serious underlying condition.

Also read: Cat Poop Colors Chart

Normal Cat Urine Colors: What’s Healthy?

It’s essential to keep a close eye on your furry friend’s health, and one way to do this is by monitoring the color of their urine. Healthy cat urine should be within a certain range of colors, indicating good hydration and overall wellness. Here are the healthy cat urine colors you should be looking out for:

  • Pale yellow or straw-colored: This is the most common and healthy color for cat urine. It indicates that your cat is well hydrated, and their kidneys are functioning properly.
  • Clear: If your cat’s urine is clear, this is also a good sign that they are well hydrated and healthy.
  • Light amber: A light amber color can also indicate that your cat is well hydrated and healthy.

Unhealthy Cat Urine Colors

Unhealthy cat urine colors can indicate potential health problems that require medical attention. You can identify changes early by monitoring your cat’s urine and seeking prompt veterinary care. Here are unhealthy cat urine colors that you should be aware of and what they may indicate regarding your cat’s health:

  • Dark brown: If your cat’s urine is dark brown, it may indicate liver disease. The liver is responsible for processing and eliminating toxins from the body. 
  • Red: If your cat’s urine is red, it may indicate a urinary tract infection, bladder stones, or cancer. Blood in the pee can be a sign of inflammation, infection, or injury to the urinary tract or bladder. 
  • Orange: If your cat’s urine is orange, it may indicate dehydration or a liver problem. When your cat is dehydrated, the urine becomes concentrated and can appear darker in color. 
  • Green: If your cat’s urine is green, it may indicate a bacterial infection. Bacteria can cause infections in the urinary tract, which can lead to changes in urine color and odor. 

Female Cat Urine Color Chart?

Caring for your female cat involves monitoring her overall health, and one way to do that is by checking her urine color. Different hues can actually reveal important clues about her well-being, allowing you to detect any potential health issues early on. This female cat urine color chart serves as a handy guide, detailing what each shade may indicate.

Urine ColorWhat does it mean?
Pale YellowNormal color for healthy female cats.
RedIt indicate a urinary tract infection, bladder stones, or cancer. Consult a veterinarian for an examination.
GreenMay indicate a bacterial infection. Consult a veterinarian for an examination and appropriate treatment.
Blue or Greenish-blueIt indicates the presence of certain medications or dyes. 

Pregnant Cat Pee Color

Here are some common colors of pregnant cat pee and what they may indicate:

  • Pale yellow: This is the normal color of healthy cat urine, indicating that the cat is properly hydrated.
  • Dark yellow: Dark yellow urine may indicate that the cat is dehydrated and needs more water.
  • Orange: Orange urine may indicate a problem with the cat’s liver or bile ducts, which could be caused by various health issues.
  • Red or pink: Red or pink urine may indicate blood in the urine, which could be caused by a urinary tract infection, bladder stones, or other health issues.
  • Brown or dark-colored: Brown or dark-colored urine may indicate a more serious health problem, such as kidney disease or cancer.

Also read: Cat Vomit Color Chart


All in all, understanding the different shades of cat urine and what they mean can be a valuable tool for cat owners. Monitoring your cat’s urine color and seeking veterinary attention if you notice any changes can help catch potential health issues early on.

Additionally, ensuring that your cat receives adequate hydration and a balanced diet can help prevent urinary tract problems. By being attentive to your cat’s urinary habits and working with your veterinarian, you can help ensure your feline friend lives a happy and healthy life.

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